Reflection of Mbah Sahal's Spirit in Community Economic Empowerment



KH Sahal Mahfudz is known as a scholar and a muslim expert in the field of religious science, especially the science of ushul fiqh, faraidh, fiqh and various other scientific fields. However, many people do not know that Kyai Sahal is also active in community empowerment activities which were initiated in 1979 by establishing the Maslakul Huda Islamic Boarding School and Community Development Bureau (BPPM PMH).

The history and idea of ​​BPPM emerged from Kyai Sahal's anxiety to respond to problems that occurred in the community so that it had to be accommodated institutionally, says Tutik Nurul Jannah, a daughter in law of Sahal, at the Thursday Forum discussion of the FISI IPMAFA Pati, Friday (15/7/2022).
Kyai Sahal paid attention to a number of problems related to economic, environmental and health issues. The bureau responded by creating an action program that was realized in strengthening and economic assistance. At that time BPPM synergized with the NGO LP3ES and there were 119 Community Self-Help Groups (KSM) who joined the Bureau program and were spread across Pati, Jepara and Kudus Regencies.

One of the serious problems faced by the community at that time was related to access to funding capital and health. Therefore, KSM participating in the BPPM program in addition to receiving intensive assistance facilities for a year, also obtain revolving loans in accordance with the provisions of the Bureau. KSM also participates in other mentoring activities organized by BPPM.

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