Ipmafa Pati - In the Studium Generale (SG) 2023 event, IPMAFA Rector, KH Abdul Ghaffar Rozin urged students and lecturers in the campus to be able to see the future in the midst of IT and artificial intelligence (AI) developments. All are invited to be able to focus on the direction of the institution and the younger generation in the future, what needs to be prepared and done by understanding the shape of society in the future.
According to Gus Rozin, regarding the development of AI, he believes that AI technology has sophisticated systems and algorithms. But the strength and capital in pesantren does not lie only in the system. Pesantren has values and hearts that AI does not have where AI relies on intelligence in the brain but pesantren emphasizes intelligence of the heart, wisdom, morals, wise thinking, and so on.
In the context of AI, the students do not need to worry too much about the development. So the theme in SG "Reinventing pesantren values in the era of society 5.0" is important for all of us to see what will happen to the pesantren community and pesantren colleges. Therefore, the students of Ipmafa must have a strong base and values while studying and learning on the IPMAFA campus.
These were some of the speech points delivered by the Rector of Ipmafa in the SG event with an expert speaker in education, Ali Formen PHD, Tuesday (4/10/2023). SG was attended by all new students in 2023 who seemed enthusiastic about the event.
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